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  • Careers In IT

    Thursday, December 9, 2010

    A person whose occupation is designing, developing, marketing, or maintaining websites is called a webmaster. He is responsible for the implementation of a Web site and must be proficient in HTML as well as one or more scripting and interface languages such as JavaScript and Perl.

    piem webmaster

    Computer Support Specialist

    Helping people use computers is a computer support specialist main job. When something goes wrong, support specialists figure out why and then would try to fix it. They are responsible for providing technical assistance and many forms of computer-related support to a wide variety of potential customers, clients, and employers.

    Technical Writer

    Tecnical writers are responsible for writing hardware and software documentation, online help, technical definitions and technical product descriptions on Web sites. More often than not, the technical writer is given the task of documenting an application at the last minute, allowing very little time for a thorough understanding of all the options. Needless to say, this leaves very little time as well for others to read and edit the material before it is published.

    Software Engineer

    A software engineer is a person who designs and programs system-level software, such as operating systems, database management systems (DBMSs) and embedded systems. They create commercial software packages, regardless of system level or application level. "Software engineer," "systems programmer" and "systems engineer" titles are often similar.

    Network Administrator

    A network administrator manages a local area communications network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN) for an organization. Their responsibilities include network security, installing new hardware and applications, monitoring software upgrades and daily activity, enforcing licensing agreements, developing a storage management program and providing for routine backups. Ensuring that it is up and running all the time is without doubt the main job of a network administrator.

    Data Administrator

    A data administrator coordinates activities within the data administration department. A data administrator is also called a "database analyst."

    Systems Analyst

    A systems analyst's job is to be responsible for the development of an information system. He or she designs and modifies systems by turning user requirements into a set of functional specifications, which are the blueprint of the system. If data administrators are available, they design the database or help design it. The manual and machine procedures and the detailed processing specifications are developed for each data entry, update, query and report program in the system.


    A programmer writes applications in a computer language. The programmer (not the machine) is usually the person who should be held responsible for satisfactory and efficient solution of the problem.


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